Monday, March 18, 2013

Gettin' fit

Or trying, at least. 
So today, I got a gym membership. I haven't had one of those in a long whiiiile.
My mom and I visited a local gym (which is only 5 minutes from my house, holla!) last week and today I pulled the trigger on getting a membership (that's the second time I've used that phrase today, except the first time, it applied to a really cute top at Forever 21).
I'm super not an expert on anything close to exercise/fitness/what have you, but I thought I'd share my favorite songs to listen to while 'working out.' At my gym, we have the normal cardio stuff like bikes and treadmills, but we also have an indoor track. Towards the end of my workout, I do a few laps on the track. I listen to my ipod and force myself to walk/run to this entire playlist before calling it quits.
So here you go! *also, there are some songs with, uh, explicit content. BUT as a friend once said, I swear by the fact that hearing Kanye West say the f-word totally makes you run faster. Am I right, or am I right? BUT I will not apologize for my love for Taylor Swift.


  1. Good for you! Motivation! I'm pregnant but I try to get a little exercise every day. Love your blog. I'm so happy to have come across your it!


    1. Thanks! And congratulations on your growing family!! How exciting!
